iso25 have left the building....

Take out the rubbish..

Hoover the floors..

Turn the electric off..

Read the meters..

Take a last look around at a place that holds a lot of memories from the last 2 years both good and bad..

Shut the door..

Hand over the keys... iso25 have left the building never to return.

Onwards and upwards!!!! I've vowed that the next studio will be bigger and better.

Thanks to everyone that has been involved in the studio from creation to closure, from those who worked hard behind the scenes to those working hard in front of the camera..
As they say all good things come to an end! Roll on the opening party of the next creation..

Where next...?

For me the next 6-8 months are about location location location.. Time to get a little more creative with location shoots and to concentrate on securing some new commercial clients throughout Sheffield.

Time to move away from TF shoots and concentrate on building the business.


life thru photography at: 16 July 2010 at 20:37 said...

I remember those keys. What a shame :..(

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