Using the iPad for a location shoot.

So when I first looked at getting an iPad, being able to shoot tethered with it was the only justification for buying one.. However it didn't. So I walked out without one.

A month later I was walking out the shop with one. Tethered shooting isn't possible still but as a preview tool it works.
Using the camera attachment and the USB cable for the Canon 5D it's possible to quickly upload an image from the camera to preview.

I like to usually apply a rough edit in lightroom when I'm normally tethered to my Mac pro. Gives us a feel for how the final image will look.
Using the "Photogene" app you can apply similar edits.

Its not perfect but it is an alternative..... And much better than just the preview screen on the camera!..

All in all the iPad is a great piece of kit in my opinion.
Especially partnered with the myfi from "3"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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