So when I first looked at getting an iPad, being able to shoot tethered with it was the only justification for buying one.. However it didn't. So I walked out without one.A month later I was walking out the shop with one. Tethered shooting isn't possible still but as a preview tool it works.Using the camera attachment and the USB cable for the Canon 5D it's possible to quickly upload an image from...
Digital re-touching service
As part of our digital workflow every image passes through Photoshop for retouching.. whether it be colour balance or reshaping they all have minor adjustments that bring out the best in the image.We are now offering re-touching services as a stand alone product to other photographers.. or anybody else that needs images retouching!How it works..Image files can be uploaded onto our shared "Dropbox" space from where we can retrieve...
iso25 have left the building....
Take out the rubbish.. Hoover the floors.. Turn the electric off.. Read the meters.. Take a last look around at a place that holds a lot of memories from the last 2 years both good and bad..Shut the door..Hand over the keys... iso25 have left the building never to return.Onwards and upwards!!!! I've vowed that the next studio will be bigger and better.Thanks to everyone that has been involved in the studio from creation to closure,...
Creative Sheffield
Throughout March we have a small display in Sheffield showing 3 off 40" x 30" prints from a recent shoot..If your passing by Pinstone Street in Sheffield take a lo...
93ft Design
Just a quick one to say that 93ft Design have some of the product shots we did up on their website so if you fancy taking a look...
As one door closes
So as of Monday the studio will be no more.. The place I've lived and breathed for the last 18 months is now an empty shell with only small hints remaining of what it once was. Sad times.. But as one door closes hopefully shall another one open!We took the decision to move closer to the city of Sheffield based and will be looking for a new home over the next coming months..Were going down a slightly different path in that were...
93ft Design Nonnas packaging
This week Ive been working for a new client.. www.93ft.com93ft Design put together the designs for the new food product range for Nonnas restaurants in Chesterfield and Sheffield. ( brief was to produce product photography for the new range of Italian food products ranging from Olive oil through to rice. The images were to be used for 93ft Designs's marketing purposes and also a number of images were required...